9th Germany-Japan Joint Workshop - "Flexible, Printed Electronics and Sensors"
21.02.2021 23:02
Rudolf Fryček
The IEEE International Conference on Flexible, Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS 2021)
18.03.2021 14:43
Jana Mwangi
Virtual tour for Fraunhofer FEP and their facilities for organic electronics
Skills & Training
15.12.2020 10:15
Take a tour through EURECAT's Labs and learn more about technologies that can be used for printed and flexible electronics.
23.02.2021 11:33
PhD position on Electronic Design integrated with Organic Thermoelectrics in EU Training Network HORATES
16.12.2020 13:36
Cristina Casellas
Ergonomic insole for shoes corrects the minor defects in walking that all users have by wrapping the foot and offering safety in the step.
30.11.2020 22:43
The most comprehensive assessment on the commercialization of flexible, wearable, smart skin patches
02.07.2021 10:31
300+ business innovation leaders and decision-makers come to meet in Brussels
27.04.2022 15:51
Take a tour through CPI's Labs and learn more about technologies that can be used for printed and flexible electronics.
27.09.2021 22:33
The course on September 8, 2021 will be held at the venue of the Swiss ePrint Conference in Buchs.
24.02.2021 02:16
3D Printing Electronics Conference, Creating new form factors in electronics, PCBs and batteries!
01.11.2021 20:36
Pieter Hermans
Virtual tour for CENTI and their facilities for thin-film flexible electronics
28.12.2020 12:53
António Marques
Take a tour through CEA`s Labs and learn more about technologies that can be used for printed and flexible electronics.
12.03.2021 14:36
Look at the solution for proper blood transfusion monitoring based on flexible electronics.
30.11.2020 22:04
Automotive Interiors Expo 2021 Date: November 9, 10, 11, 2021 Location: Messe Stuttgart, Germany
08.09.2021 23:07
Functional Automotive Exteriors With Printed/Flexible Electronics
06.08.2021 00:30
World Forum for the Process Industries Date: 4 - 8 April 2022 Location: Frankfurt am Main
08.09.2021 23:35
French Association of Printed Electronics meeting Date: 16th September 2021 Location - Pavillon Gabriel - 5 avenue Gabriel Paris 08
08.09.2021 22:44
The International Forum on Advanced and digitalised Smart Textiles (IFAST) will take place online, on 15 and 16 June 2021
04.05.2021 12:43
Korinna Mollá Latorre
2021 EBN CONGRESS 'EMERGENT FUTURES' Date: From 14 Sep 2021 to 15 Sep 2021 Location: Virtual, Online
07.09.2021 11:40